Fair360 Honors American Heart Association for Workplace Diversity

American Heart Association

The American Heart Association, a global force for healthier lives for all celebrating 100 years of lifesaving service, is recognized as an exemplary employer by Fair360 in two categories: Top Companies for Board of Directors and Noteworthy Companies. Fair360, formerly known as DiversityInc, leverages comparative data to help organizations develop fair and inclusive workplaces utilizing benchmarking and best practices information. The full list of 2024 honorees is available on Fair360's website.

This annual evaluation recognizes U.S. employers for excellence in promoting workplace fairness through key areas including total management, talent programs, leadership accountability, workforce practices, supplier fairness and philanthropy. Results are derived from survey submissions from employers with more than 750 employees in the United States.

The nonprofit Association was listed at no. 1 among Top Companies for Board of Directors and as one of the Noteworthy Companies - the latest in a series of recent diversity recognitions by several organizations.

"The American Heart Association is proud to be recognized by Fair360 for our strong commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion, which is especially meaningful in our centennial year," said Chief Executive Officer Nancy Brown. "It is critical to our lifesaving mission, and incredibly important to all of us to have a workplace that promotes the health and well-being of every employee."

Since its founding in 1924, the American Heart Association has led the fight against heart disease and stroke and helped families and communities thrive. The Association's mission is to be a relentless force for a world of longer, healthier lives, regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, religion, age, language, sexual orientation, national origin and physical or cognitive abilities. The organization's leaders, volunteers and staff are committed to ensuring that the Association's workforce, workplace and mission have a shared impact across America's diverse populations. More information about the Association's commitment to diversity and inclusion can be found at www.heart.org/diversity.

Other recent recognitions for the Association include Forbes America's Best Midsize Employer, AARP Pledge Signer, Certified Age-Friendly Employer and National Organization on Disability Leading Disability Employer.

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