Iconic Ord Valley Muster Kicks Off For 2024

  • Award-winning, iconic Ord Valley Muster commences today
  • Nine-day festival in the East Kimberley awarded funds for 2024, 2025 and 2026
  • Supported by the Western Australian Government

Western Australia's North West region is abuzz with visitors and performers as the iconic Boab Metals Ord Valley Muster officially starts today in Kununurra.

The annual Kimberley festival is an established highlight of Western Australia's regional events calendar and was recently awarded Silver in the Festivals and Events category of the 2023 Qantas Australian Tourism Awards.

Attendees at this year's event will be treated to live performances from The Screaming Jets, Rogue Traders, Sarah McLeod, and Bob Evans at the Nexus Airlines Kimberley Moon Experience, the pinnacle event of the Muster.

Visitors will also enjoy a diverse program of activities across the nine days, including a free family Party in the Park event, the Muster Idol singing competition and yoga boats, plus other storytelling, art, music and performances showcasing Western Australia's rich Aboriginal history.

In 2023, the Ord Valley Muster attracted more than 4,000 out-of-region visitors, providing an important boost to the local community and economy.

The event's location in the East Kimberley provides the perfect gateway to explore the stunning region and discover more about this unique part of Western Australia.

The Ord Valley Muster has been supported by the Western Australian Government since 2004 and through Tourism WA's Regional Events Program since 2012, which supports medium to large events in regional WA.

The event was awarded funding last year to run for the next three years, until 2026, in recognition of its important annual contribution to the regional community of Kununurra and its surrounds.

For more information, visit www.ordvalleymuster.com.au

As stated by Tourism Minister Rita Saffioti:

"We're really excited and proud to continue supporting the Ord Valley Muster, a true standout on Western Australia's calendar of annual events.

"Last year's event was a big success with over 4,000 people travelling from outside the region to attend the event, providing an important boost for the local community and economy.

"Of course, giving people a time-specific reason to travel to this event also encourages them to explore the wider Kimberley region, with key attractions like the World Heritage listed Purnululu National Park as well as the incredible gorges, waterfalls and landscapes, which is also very important for local tourism."

As stated by Regional Development Minister Don Punch:

"Hosting multi-day events in our regions is vital to encourage out-of-region visitors to explore more of Western Australia, which in turn boosts local tourism, hospitality and accommodation businesses.

"Our Kimberley region is a fantastic place for visitors to explore, and I encourage those who have travelled to the Ord Valley Muster to discover all the Kimberley has to offer."

As stated by Kimberley MLA Divina D'Anna:

"This event is definitely a highlight on the calendar for our community, and we're always excited to welcome thousands of people from outside the region and encourage them to explore all our amazing attractions and experiences.

"Events like these always bring an amazing atmosphere and vibrancy to our region and promote a sense of pride, ownership and unity which is just awesome for our community."

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