West Macs Monster Set To Challenge Best Runners

NT Government

Some of the country's best runners will tackle one of Australia's toughest enduro races this weekend at the West Macs Monster.

Runners will take on the Larapinta Trail in a number of races from the whopping Ekistica 231km Sonder Monster to the Ekistica 128km Ellery Monster, the Ekistica 65km Standley Monster and ABC 25km Simpsons Monster. There is also a family orientated 5km Tele Monster fun run for those wanting to get involved.

Arguably one of the most gruelling, technical and scenic trails in Australia, the race will test the skills and endurance of competitors. The event is expected to attract people from across the country who will not only run along an iconic trail but take the chance to see more of Central Australia.

In 2023 Alice Springs local Simon Duke smashed the record for the 231km race with a time of 39 hours, 56 minutes and 26 seconds. The female course record was also broken in 2023 by Perth runner Meghann Coffey with a time of 47 hours, 11 minutes and 38 seconds.

The ABC 5km Tele-Monster is still open for registrations and West Macs Monster organisers are also welcoming people to volunteer at the event, or come on down and enjoy the finish line festivities on Sunday 19th May at the Alice Springs Telegraph Station.

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